Michigan Probation Violation Lawyers

Michigan Probation Violations

Probation allow certain freedoms in exchange for compliance with strict rules – for a predetermined amount of time. Those who are on probation have to live within the parameters of set requirements, but they have not served prison or jail time for the recent offense. Michigan probationers are under the jurisdiction of the local courts.

Michigan Probation Hearings

There are many common probation violations that may result in a hearing. Have you or someone you know:

  • missed an appointment with a probation officer
  • missed a court appearance
  • been accused of another crime
  • relocated without officer approval
  • failed a drug or alcohol test
  • failed to complete a court order

Possible Consequences Of Michigan Probation Violations

People can make mistakes. Sometimes their best intentions are knocked off course by circumstances out of their control. Perhaps the terms of probation were misunderstood.

However, regardless of why probation conditions are not met, the punishments can be serious; depending on your history, the severity of the violation and the quality of your defense. That’s why it’s important to be represented by an experienced Michigan criminal defense lawyer.

Our Michigan Probation Violation Attorneys Can Help

If you will be attending a Michigan probation violation hearing, you can benefit from working with the Michigan criminal defense lawyers at Friedman Law Firm. We will take the time to do an in-depth investigation of your case; to minimize the consequences by identifying the proper defense for your particular situation.