Michigan Disorderly Conduct Attorneys

Michigan Disorderly Conduct

Michigan law – section MCL 750.167 – identifies that a person may be guilty of engaging in disorderly conduct if they are:

  • of sufficient ability but refusing or neglecting to support his or her family
  • a prostitute
  • a window peeper
  • engaging in an illegal occupation or business
  • intoxicated in a public place and endangering people or property or acting in a way that causes a public disturbance
  • are involved in indecent conduct in a public place
  • a vagrant
  • begging in a public place
  • loitering in a place of ill fame or prostitution
  • knowingly loitering in a place where illegal business is conducted
  • loitering in or around a public building to solicit employment of legal services or bail bonds
  • found unnecessarily jostling or roughly crowding people in a public place

Michigan Drunk And Disorderly Conduct Charges

The laws and penalties for drunk and disorderly conduct vary from state to state. The terminology can be different as well. In some cases, the charge is referred to as public intoxication. If you are in Michigan, it is not a crime to be publicly intoxicated, unless you are disturbing the peace, or exhibiting disorderly conduct. However, a person suspected of being intoxicated in public in Michigan, may be taken to jail to remain in protective custody for up to eight hours, if police think it would best serve those concerned. You may or may not be asked to do a Preliminary Breath Test (PBT) with a Breathalyzer or perform field sobriety tests.

In Michigan, someone charged with public intoxication might face:

  • a misdemeanor charge on their record
  • 90 days in jail and/or a $500 fine
  • probation
  • community service
  • future random drug and alcohol testing
  • a referral for an assessment to determine if they have a substance abuse problem

Our Michigan Disorderly Conduct Lawyers Can Help

If you’ve been charged with Michigan disorderly conduct, having the assistance of an experienced Michigan criminal attorney who will help identify relevant details could make the difference between a “guilty” and “not guilty” verdict. This is especially true if there has been a prior conviction. As with many other crimes, subsequent charges will often yield harsher penalties.

Contact Friedman Law Firm today at 248-932-0900 and we will work with you to counter the charge with best defense possible.