Michigan Juvenile Crime Lawyers

Michigan Juvenile Retail Fraud

Don’t shrug off your teenager’s shoplifting charge as no big deal. Even though they are a juvenile, the consequences of having a retail fraud conviction on their record can be more far-reaching than a monetary fine. A juvenile retail fraud conviction could affect your child’s employment possibilities and their eligibility for student loans and other financial considerations. Friedman Law Firm can provide the legal counsel you need to limit those effects by seeking to have the charges dropped or reduced.

Other Forms of Michigan Juvenile Retail Fraud

Shoplifting, attempting to physically remove merchandise from a store, is the most common form of juvenile retail fraud, but there are others. Sometimes shoplifting goes undetected at the time of the theft and the individual will try to seek a cash payout for the item by asking for a refund without a receipt. This situation can also lead to a charge of retail fraud. Switching price tags or using other means to try and pay less than the true price on merchandise is another action that can lead to an arrest and charges being filed. Lastly, if your child is employed in a retail establishment and provides products or merchandise to their friends without charging them full price, and without the permission of management, this is another form of retail fraud.

Friedman Law Firm has found that many times juveniles are wrongfully accused of committing a crime when the act was totally unintentional. Youth are easily distracted. They may have forgotten they had picked up an item and walked out of the store without paying for it. Other times they may be in the company of other juveniles who have committed retail fraud and are accused because of association with the group. Whether your child claims innocence or admits their involvement in a situation of retail fraud, a criminal defense attorney from Friedman Law Firm can help you navigate the legal maze and achieve the best possible outcome for your child.

Hire a Michigan Retail Fraud Lawyer for Your Juvenile

Whether it is your child’s first offense or a repeat charge, don’t hesitate to call us. Friedman Law Firm will put our experience behind them to have charges dropped or reduced. Call us today at 248-932-0900 to discuss how our Michigan Criminal Lawyers can help protect your child from unnecessary consequences.