Michigan Child Custody Attorneys

Modification Of Michigan Child Custody Orders

At the time of divorce, when children under the age of 18 are involved, three issues are addressed: custody, parenting time, and child support. As time passes, one or both parents may request alterations to one or more of these orders, so long as appropriate criteria are met. Changes can be permanent or temporary, though every decision made by the court can have life-changing effects.

Our Michigan Family Law Lawyers Can Help With Many Types Of Child Custody Situations

Whether you are seeking or contesting the modification of existing orders, Friedman Law Firm has the knowledge it takes. We aim to work with the other parent to the fullest extent possible and will always keep the best interests of your child at the forefront of our service.

Situations That Require Modification Of Child Custody Orders

Hundreds of requests for modification are made in Michigan courts every year. Common situations that prompt parents to seek revised orders include a change to the child’s financial needs, a previous order proving unfeasible, a new marriage, or a change in the parent’s earning ability due to disability, job loss, or illness. As familiar as these scenarios are, each one requires careful legal consideration only our attorneys can provide.

In order for a change in to be enacted, a formal request must be submitted, and a judge must order the change. Friedman Law Firm will help determine whether your change in circumstance warrants the modification, assist in gathering appropriate documentation to support the request, and ensure the request is submitted properly.

Existing Child Custody Orders

Unless a new child custody order is issued, the existing order remains in effect. Parents must abide by the current agreement until a new arrangement may be legally made. We advise acting quickly in all matters pertaining to children, so stability and understanding may be reached with as little impact on the child as possible.

Failing to act, however, can also affect parents in negative ways. In then matter of child support, for instance, parents who fail to pay are not forgiven their debt. Fees accrue, even in bankruptcy. Let us help you avoid these serious missteps and find a solution that works for you.

Our Michigan Child Custody Lawyers Can Help

For more information on and the help of our Michigan Divorce & Family Lawyers with modification of existing orders in Michigan, contact us today.